Angel of Love
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(function() {
let lrcStr = `Lian Ross - Angel of Love (Extended Version)
Lyrics by:Luis Rodriguez
Composed by:Luis Rodriguez
The way you look into my eyes
Just makes me want to fly
As if your smile gives wings to my heart
I love you
Baby tell me this is real
I never thought my wounds could heal
It's magic how you make it feel
So right my love
All moments with you
Are lasting for a lifetime
Your love feels so true
You always make my heart shine
Even when you're far away
I have you beside me
I can feel it night and day
Hear me say
You are my angel of love
You always walk a step behind
On you I can rely
Cause you belong to me
And I to you I love you
Never ever let this end
I follow you and take your hand
And finally we understand
The power of love
All moments with you
Are lasting for a lifetime
Your love feels so true
You always make my heart shine
Even when you're far away
I have you beside me
I can feel it night and day
Hear me say
You are my angel of love
My angel of love
Oh feels so true
Even when you're far away
I have you beside me
I can feel it night and day
Hear me say
You are my angel of love
My angel of love
You are my angel of love
/*变量 :mKey - 当前歌词索引;mFlag :调用关键帧动画索引;averAdd :平均值补偿*/
let mKey = 0, mFlag = true, averAdd = 0.3;
/*函数 :获取每句歌词用时,歌词用时若超过平均值则取平均值,最后一句歌词则取平均值*/
let lrcTime = (ar) => {
let tmpAr = [];
for(j = 0; j <ar.length - 1; j ++) {
if(j !== ar.length - 1) tmpAr = parseFloat((ar - ar).toFixed(1));
let aver = parseInt(tmpAr.reduce((a,b) => a + b) / (tmpAr.length - 1)) + averAdd;
tmpAr.forEach((item,key) => {
ar = item > aver ? aver : item;
return ar;
/*函数 :从原始lrc歌词获取信息并存入 n*3 数组*/
let getLrcAr = (text) => {
let lrcAr = [];
let calcRule = ;
for(x of text.split('\n')) {
let ar = [];
let re = /\d+[\.:]\d+([\.:]\d+)?/g;
let geci = x.replace(re,'');
if(geci) {
geci = geci.replace(/[\[\]\'\"\t,]s?/g,'');
let time = x.match(re);
if(time != null) {
for(y of time) {
let tmp = y.match(/\d+/g);
let sec = 0;
for(z in tmp) sec += tmp * calcRule;
ar = ;
lrcAr.sort((a,b)=> a - b);
/*函数 :模拟显示同步歌词*/
let showLrc = (time) => {
let name = mFlag ? 'cover1' : 'cover2';
lrc.innerHTML = lrcAr;
lrc.dataset.lrc = lrcAr;'--motion', name);'--tt', time + 's');'--state', 'running');
mKey += 1;
mFlag = !mFlag;
/*函数 :处理当前歌词索引 mKey*/
let calcKey = () => {
for (j = 0; j < lrcAr.length; j++) {
if (aud.currentTime <= lrcAr) {
mKey = j - 1;
if (mKey < 0) mKey = 0;
if (mKey > lrcAr.length - 1) mKey = lrcAr.length - 1;
let time = lrcAr - (aud.currentTime - lrcAr);
let toMin = (val) => {
if (!val) return '00:00';
val = Math.floor(val);
let min = parseInt(val / 60),
sec = parseFloat(val % 60);
if (min < 10) min = '0' + min;
if (sec < 10) sec = '0' + sec;
return min + ':' + sec;
/*函数 :关键帧动画状态切换*/
let mState = () => aud.paused ? ('--state','paused'), = 'paused') : ('--state','running'), = 'running');
aud.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {
for (j = 0; j < lrcAr.length; j++) {
if (aud.currentTime >= lrcAr) {
cKey = j;
if (mKey === j) showLrc(lrcAr);
else continue;
aud.addEventListener('pause', () => mState());/*监听暂停事件*/
aud.addEventListener('play', () => mState());/*监听播放事件*/
aud.addEventListener('seeked', () => calcKey());/*监听查询事件*/
let lrcAr = getLrcAr(lrcStr); /*获得歌词数组*/
</script> 这个作品漂亮!!!! 这个作品漂亮!!!!